Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Tourism Links

Looking to visit Mississippi? Check this out!!

More on the Gulf Coast & Mississippi

* 130 Facts About Mississippi
* Biloxi & the Mississippi Gulf Coast
* Biloxi History
* Biloxi Visitor Center
* Biloxi's Slavic History
* Famous Mississippians
* Mississippi Firsts
* Mississippi Writers
* Ocean Springs
* West Coast Mississippi

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mary! LOVE love love readin your blog and recipe blog so far! (squeal) its the best. i feel like i'm hearing my voice or someone very close to me's voice when i read your stuff. anywho, i'm dying to know where exactly you live. I'm gonna guess biloxi, gulfport or ocean springs. I used to live in biloxi for a spell, then i just moved here to lafayette la from hattiesburg. so. maybe we even crossed paths. oh, and my boyfriend lives in Picayune so that may be another possibility too. :) well, holla atcha later. keep it up and you're a breath of fresh southern "sweet" air! ~ April


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