Friday, March 19, 2010

Year One Raised Bed Square Foot Gardening Quick Link Summary

It is about the most gorgeous day we could possibly have in South Mississippi and I am going to {try to} take off from blogging for a weekend - yes even over at the food blog - so that I can get outside, soak in some Vitamin D, and start getting my veggie gardens ready for planting.

Now that I'm about to move into Season Two of my Raised Bed Square Foot Gardening efforts, I thought that I would put up a page with quick links from my first year. I'll also be updating with a "what I'll do different" post very soon, and I'll update this post with links I might have missed today as I find them.

~For a general vegetable gardening primer with the basics for your vegetable garden site, soil fertility, garden tools and buying plants, click here.

~Basic information on wood and a good soil mix go here. (scroll down about halfway)

~For my site selection dilemma and a little bit of inspiration, click here.

~And more about the importance of site selection, click here.

Here are my two primary gardening books - I highly recommend both but especially the "new" square foot gardening book, if you want to try this method.

Guide to Mississippi Vegetable Gardening - available for your state too! It's a perfect guide to tell you what to plant and what works best in your region, and also when to plant. I love this guide!

Building the Square Foot Garden

Step 1: Build a Box
Step 2: Dirt Mix
Step 3: Add a Grid (for Square Foot Gardening only!)
Step 4: Planning the Plants

Year 3 Update:  I'm starting with seed for most of my plants so this will be a new experience. I like to use the Jiffy trays. You can read about my start with seeds right here.  I'm also doing the larger bed this year of mostly tomatoes and peppers by using tomato towers in middle of the bed. Should be interesting.

I might as well mention my MOST favorite, back saving garden tool. You'll see this in the background of many of my pictures (mine has a yellow seat). Talk about a life saver in the garden - I love this tool too! If you are doing any gardening this will become your best friend, I swear. Get one!!

Updates in the Garden:

My (almost) 1 Month update
Pest Control
Gardening Pests - Getting Rid of Aphids
A Different Kind of Pest Control - Critters

Adding the Vertical Supports
2 Month Garden Update
3 Month Garden Update
First Harvest
Final Update for the 2009 Season

Other Vegetable Garden Updates:

How to Grow a Tomato in a Bag
Topsy Turvy Upside Down Tomato Experiment & Updates
Tomato in a Bag Update
Topsy Turvy and Tomato in a Bag - Do Over

2010 Square Foot Garden Updates

Year One Raised Bed Square Foot Gardening Quick Link Summary - you are here!
Blue Lake Bush Style Green Beans and Pesky Squirrels
2010 Square Foot Garden Planting Grid and Garden Notes
Soil Refresh for Year 2 Square Foot Raised Bed Garden
*check back for more updates

I need to go back and check all my labels and organize them a bit better, so just in case I missed anything, check back periodically as I will update this post as I find things in time. You can click here for all the posts on Vegetable Gardening by date, and my veggie garden diary notes from 2009 will be posted "HERE" as soon as I can gather them all together. There are lots of weekly posts archived there, so be sure to scroll down to the bottom of each page and click on "older posts" to see them all.

If you're interested, check out my flower gardening efforts here and here.  Things are looking pretty drab out there right now after this winter, but I'm hoping for some color to show up soon!  Again, lots of posts archived there, so be sure to scroll down to the bottom of each page and click on "older posts" to see them all.

Happy Weekend Y'all!!! Get out and get gardening!

I am a simple home garden struggling through my failures and relishing in my successes.  If you are thinking I am any kind of expert, you might want to read this little ole disclaimer right here.



  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  2. Hi there.
    I'm looking forward to starting in my garden.
    Stopping by via SITS to say hello.
    Have a great day!

  3. It's that time again already, I can't believe it! My dad is moving in so I guess I'll be passing on the garden this year. Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Wait a minute. You tried the upside-down planters & they didn't work? We had a bumper crop of tomatoes & peppers. And we've done the bag of topsoil turned into tomato planters as well & were inundated with tomatoes. Maybe it's an Indiana thing?

  5. Holly & Suz, haven't given up! Gonna try it again this year.

    Suz, the climate in Indiana is probably a little more friendly, but yeah, it didn't work for me. Course not being one to just give up, I'll be trying it again this year!

  6. Happy Spring, SITSta!
    I used the TopsyTurvys last year and had tomatoes, peppers, zucchini and summer squash. NC had a very poor tomato growing season all round -- very few bees. I've been using the French Intensive gardening in my waist-high garden (very similar to square-foot gardening) for the past three years and very happy that I don't have to bend over, anymore. Come visit when you get the chance.

  7. Hi,

    Someone may have already passed this on about aphids. Nasty little buggers. A dear friend of mine sent me this hint before she died of breast cancer at 38. Put banana peels around your plants (on the soil). I've used it around my roses and it WORKS!
    Thanks, Meesh

  8. I have the cook book Being Dead is No Excuse and I love it! I have three friends who loved it as well and ordred their own.

  9. This is my first year of planting some food plants in my cockpit in Florida...we shall see how it goes...I am taking all the hints I can from you and others that have such a small garden space...My space in my cockpit is not even meant for gardening and if we have to sail I have to make it so we can and put the plants possibly into the quarter berth or v-berth...or just somewhere below.....thank you for all the tips....Sister Kaite..."growing on a 33 foot sailboat"


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