Now my husband wouldn't touch anything green, not on purpose anyway, but me, well I just love all kinds of greens, though I don't eat near enough of 'em because I have just never been able to cook them to where they tasted worth a flip. My Mama never cooked fresh greens, I guess that could be part of it.
Mostly when I want some turnip, collard, mustard or even mixed greens (especially since hubs won't touch them), I usually just buy Glory Foods brand of canned greens because they are very well seasoned, southern style of course (which is kinda funny since I think they are produced in Ohio - not that there's anything wrong with that), and they taste much better than any attempt I've ever made at making fresh greens. So if you don't want to fool with cooking greens from fresh, do give the Glory Foods brand a try. They really are delicious!
But if you don't want cabbage for your traditional southern New Year's Day meal, and you're inclined toward making your own greens from fresh, my pal Rebel has some good cookin' goin' on over at her blog and I just know these have to be good. Give 'em a try!
Hillbilly Woman’s Collard Greens
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