Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Gorgeous Diamond Earring GIVEAWAY!!

No, not by me (I only wish I could do that) but by a fellow SITSta called Jill at Scary Mommy. She recently transferred her blog and in the transfer ended up losing all of her Feedburner subscribers. I only have a handful of subscribers but I tell ya, I treasure every one of you so much that I cannot imagine having that many just go poof!

So in an effort to rebuild her list, she is offering up these beautiful diamond earrings if you subscribe!

So pop on over and subscribe, twit or post about the giveaway and help a SITSta out!

Contest closes on 3/31/09. Good Luck!!

P.S. Gotta post a disclaimer here ... there may be some well, adult language from time to time on this blog by the author and some of those commenting. If you are offended by this you might want to check the blog out before subscribing.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for doing the research and posting the abbreviations !


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