Thursday, March 5, 2009

My New 30 Featured Bloggers

I decided to make a page to honor and feature my very special blogging buddies! If you're visiting please be sure to stop over and say hello at these featured bloggers and let them know Mary at My New 30 sent you!

Most of the bloggers behind these sites feature a My New 30 button on their site and are regular followers and faithful with commenting, which makes doing this all worth it. They have been very supportive of my blogging efforts, some since the beginning when I decided to revive this blog back at the end of October of 2008 and so, I want to honor them.

If anyone listed here as a link and summary develops a button on down the line, or would like me to include your profile photo or a logo, just email me at mynew30{at}gmail{dot}com and let me know and I'll update your section. And of course, if you already feature my blog button on your site and I didn't know, or if you decide to in the future, please let me know so that I can feature your blog here too!

Big hugs and a special thanks to all of you for being who you are in my little section of the blogosphere! You all have a special place in my heart.

Are You Hungry?
Kathy, like me, knows that food is about love and it all centers around the kitchen. In a spirit born out of her Italian heritage, Kathy shares some wonderful recipes at her Are You Hungry? blog. A long time Floridian, I look forward to seeing more of her cookin' for sure. Stop by and give her a shout out!

Mommy’s Kitchen

Tina is the blogger behind Mommy's Kitchen and a mother who shares her love of cooking with her gorgeous sous chef children. She's from Texas, and since I'm a Texan by birth, I have a real connection with that state and with Tina. She has a boatload of some really terrific and yummy recipes that you'll be sure to drool over! Lots of picture links right on the front page so good luck with deciding what to try first! Tina is a frequent commenter and is just quite the doll!


Rebel is our Hillbilly Woman and shares not only some of her good Ozark cookin' but also lots of stories about local Missouri life, hidden treasures from Route 66, haunted hotels, and the antics of a gorgeous granddaughter. Rebel has been following me from near about the beginning of my blog revival and is a regular commenter. I consider her to be a loyal and true blogging bud and I feel like she's a next door neighbor even though we are miles apart.


Krystal from Utah has a great collection of recipes over at her blog and I love to visit her Ultimate Cookbook to see what she's been up to. She has an interesting feature she does called Monday Mix Up, where she highlights mix recipes that you make in bulk and store and then use for a variety of recipes later. Be sure to check out what she's up to today!


LunaWolf is the blogger behind Mystical Kitchen and mother to a multitude of females of the human and feline variety. She blogs some pretty delicious foods but she's also a work-at-home businesswoman as a distributor of Watkins products and maker of candles, soaps, neck wraps and all things bath and body over at her sister site Luna Wolf's Mystical Essence. Check her out for some pampering supplies!


Oxford Impressions is hosted by Shaylynn, a blogger who is beautiful both inside and out. She shares a lot about the life and antics of a gorgeous Bichon pooch called Riley and has shared some of the beautiful and creative scrapbook pages she has done on him and his "sister" Sierra with us. She features some pretty good meals there too!


Joyce is a pretty new to me blogger but I felt a kinship with her right away. I love all of the old photographs she has on her blog, and all the stories behind them, but you know me ... I'm all about the food, and with such a diverse background, I really look forward to seeing more of her recipes, especially those with a taste of Miami since there isn't much of that going on down here in South Mississippi!


  1. Mary, I am so honored that you included me. I have been so busy this week, you know, the hubby, the grandkids, and my mom, the house, etc., haven't done a lot of posting, but I have a list of of new posts I am working on. I really enjoy My New 30, it's the first blog I started to follow and I am so glad I did. Your recipes are fabulous. Thanks again, and have a great day. Joyce

  2. Awee Mary I am so touched that you included me and my site ~grins~. I love your site!! I was attracted the first time I saw pictures of your recipes. I said WOW she cooks just like me. I am a true southern food lover so you are right up my alley. I have been so busy so if i havent been commenting like i should shame on me. We have had the flu bug hit our housegold and now I am nurse mommy. We are getting started on our vegetable garden this weekend so i am so excited. Enjoy your time with your son and grandbaby and congrats on the baby news!!

  3. Ladies it is MY honor!

    Joyce I can't wait to see what you post!! I'm so excited!! Happy Dance Happy Dance!!!!

    Tina you know that I drool over the keyboard at your site gal! Hope everybody gets to feelin' better at the homefront - that's the worse thing when you're dealing with the flu bug multiple times over, ugh! Post pictures of your garden 'k??

  4. thanks for recognizing me! :) and thanks for posting such great recipes, I love them!

  5. You betcha! Thanks for being a "regular" over my way!!

  6. Being a girl from NEW ORLEANS I love the fleur de lis on your blog and looking for some custom or free fleur de lis to include on one of my blogs. I found on wordpress but want one for blogger, any suggestions? I love your list here and will be visiting your suggested sites! thank you!

  7. Hi! That was some custom work done by The Cutest Blog on the Block. If you click on the button at the very top left of the page it'll take you to their page. I'm sure they can do something for you and they are very reasonable. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!!


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