Saturday, June 27, 2009

Summer Squash Dressing

My New 30 recipes are now hosted at Deep South Dish. Click this link and we'll carry you there now!



  1. I LOVE summer squash, I could eat it every day. What a great dressing recipe! I like bland stuffing so I bet I would just eat it up exactly as given!

    Have you ever noticed that seed companies like to describe squashes as "meaty," but I have yet to see a steak company assure us their meat had a good, "squashy" flavor, LOL...

  2. LOL Penniwig - yeah, this was delicious but needed more punch for my taste buds so I'll jazz it up next time I make it for sure.

  3. As I enjoy squash and dressing, I'm liking that you can "marry" the two. I wouldn't have thought of it. Now when my grandma starts sending me the over-abundance from her garden in a few weeks, I'll have one more application for summer squash. Thank you!

    Hope you had a lovely weekend!

  4. huh...very sounds really good!! What a lovely idea to combine squash & dressing. :P

  5. Hi! I just came over from SITS. Wow that looks delicious -- fattening, but delicious!

  6. That looks awesome! I've just started becoming a fan of squash..yum!!

  7. What a unique twist on stuffing. I havent tried anything like this before. Sounds yummy. I like extra punch to my stuffings also.

  8. I love squash recipes. thanks for yet another I can try.


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