Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wordless Wednesday



  1. How it a geranium? I don't have my glasses on..I don't think I have ever seen a blue one..or is it so purple it is blue.? Very nice, and since it is wordless Wednesday you can't tell us anything. rainin here last 4=5 days, and the barometer is playing havac with my new 30 something knees and hips....cloudy again today w/rain..the boys have 1 more day of school, one is going to the zoo, and the other has field day, I hope it stays dry for them.

  2. You are really capturing beauty lately!! Just gorgeous!!!

  3. Mary,

    The Black Eyed Susans, I have them planted on the East side of the house, they get full sun all day and are not shielded at all, they flourish, I never water them, they divide easily, and I have them all over the yard partial sun or shade
    they come back every year.


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