Welcome to My New 30! We've evolved a bit around here lately and back to my original intention - to be a general interest blog about my life on the other side of age 50. That is, after all, what they say is "The New 30," right? You'll see some general banter, some reminiscing, my interesting internet finds, book reviews, product reviews, frugal living, practical housewifery tips & tricks, things about my critter kids, and a bit about my gardening adventures. And, occasionally, you're liable to see a bit of a Southern Style Hissy Fit rearin' it's pretty little head. Hope ya stick around! Be sure to check out my other blog Deep South Dish, the new home for all of my recipes and all things food related!
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When I started my blog originally, it was at a time when I had just hit the big 5-0 and I wanted a place to privately document my life after 50 and the things that happen when a person crossed that threshold. That's where the name came from because of the saying, 50 is the new 30. And, as some of you who have also made this transition have probably learned, our metabolism goes haywire about the same time that our hormones do, so one of the things I wanted to do was document my dieting efforts. That was prompted by a paralegal conference I was attending in Tampa that I wanted to turn into a family vacation, and drop a few pounds beforehand.
So I started posting my efforts at low carb dieting. I know, don't laugh.
I ended up using the blog to list my menus and track my eating and exercise and that sort of thing. It wasn't even a public blog back in those days - just my own private little diary so to speak. Then I joined an online low carb diet forum and my blog "diary" pretty much went dormant.
When my efforts at low carbing failed miserably - well, let me first backtrack.
I first did Jenny Craig and that is how I lost the weight that I wanted to shed for my vacation diet. I loved Jenny Craig because everything was laid out for me and I only had to follow the menu, get the food from my freezer and add in additional vegetables. It was a total no-brainer, so easy and I was never hungry. But... it was costing about $400 a month to purchase the food, plus the additional cost of fresh dairy and produce for salads and such, and was just too expensive for me to continue considering I had just lost my job and I was also still cooking other meals for my husband, who was not doing the diet. When I returned from vacation I wanted to drop some more weight so I turned to low carb eating, something that I had done successfully in my younger days.
Yes, I lost some more weight doing low carb and very quickly in the beginning. In my opinion, if you're looking to only drop a few pounds, then restricting your carbs and avoiding certain foods like the whites (sugar and white flour being the primary two) is one way to do it pretty quick, and while I did lose a few more pounds, then I struggled for nearly a year to lose any more! I found I could only lose by strictly prohibiting all carbs, even vegetables! My body did not like the absence of carbs and just needed more balance. And carbs. So I switched to Weight Watchers. But, then...
This was about the time that I found and fell in love with food blogs. And, like a lot of foodies, I decided a blog would be a great place to keep my favorite recipes and any new ones that I tried and liked. But, then...
After awhile, I noticed there were not very many southern food blogs and I thought what a great way to put up the good old South Mississippi recipes that I've grown up with not only where I can easily find them, but where I can share them with family, friends and other folks who just happened by. And so, the food and all things food related quickly took over My New 30.
Well, in the summer of 2009 I decided it was time to give the recipes from My New 30 a home of their own! So I picked and settled on a new blog called Deep South Dish, and transferred all of my recipes over there.
Now this move gave me the freedom to use My New 30 the way I originally intended it - as a place to express the changes in my life that come from crossing that threshold of 50, while all along your mind still feels like you're only 30. Only now it'll all be public! I'll also have more freedom to be a bit more opinionated about things on My New 30 now that the food has moved. Somehow food seems to deserve a place of it's own and it seems sacrilegious to mix in anything else with it.
If you are wondering where the recipes you had become accustomed to seeing here on My New 30 went, please pop on over to Deep South Dish and sign up for the feed, grab an email subscription, or become a Follower so all the updates will show up in your Blogger Dashboard. All of the new recipes will be showing up at Deep South Dish in the future and the old ones are all there now.
I hope you'll join me on this journey!
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I really enjoyed reading your "About" section. I found your blog looking for tips because I am using a Jiffy indoor greenhouse to start seedlings for my first garden. I plan to come back as often as I can (new baby keeps me on my toes!) to see what else you have here. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThank you & welcome!