Saturday, January 3, 2009

Angel Food Ministries

I have noticed that things have been fairly quiet on the food blog front these past few days, even for me who sometimes posts multiple times a day!   (I'm pretty sure some of those posts get totally missed!)

Well, on my end, hubs and I have been relaxing, watching football, and working leftovers for several days now, so I haven't been cooking anything new. I really thought that I would have tons of leftover
brisket to use for other dishes, but hubs has been really chowing down on that the most, and even I have to admit it sure makes for an awesome sandwich! Hubs tends to zap everything in the microwave on high so I told him the secret of course is to slowly warm it in the microwave on a lower temperature and not dry it out! Slowly warmed up that way, it sure is delicious! I have totally been enjoying the seafood gumbo, and as gumbo does, it has only gotten better each day. And of course we still have a bit of corned beef and cabbage and black-eyed peas to finish off too, though that is just about gone now, as are many of the sweets (finally!).

I suspect dealing with leftovers is the reason for all the quiet in the rest of the food blog world too. Hubs and I will be working over this weekend on finishing off everything (or freezing what's left), but we have certainly been eatin' good for sure! Such good food and plenty of it! We are truly very blessed.

And speaking of blessings, I wanted to stick in a reminder here about
Angel Food Ministries again because the deadline for January ordering is coming up here quickly. Some host sites you have to go to in person to order, others have online ordering. Check the website for a host site near you to find out how and when to order.

For the host site in my area the last day for online ordering is January 11th.

You can purchase multiples of the basic box of course, but if you purchase at least one basic box, you may then order some of the specials. There are 5 other specials that you can order in January, including a fruit and veggie box, a chicken combo box, and several different meat boxes. I posted the full January menu
here so check it out for the specifics on all the specials. I've reposted the basic box below, but there is also a Senior basic box that is made of home-style frozen meals, perfect for an elderly parent or neighbor.

Angel Food Ministries is for
everyone. You don't have to meet any eligibility requirements, it's not charity, or welfare, or a government assistance program or anything like that. It is most like a food co-op - a large group of people purchasing together at a discounted price.

It has really been a blessing for our family in this tough economic time, but if you're blessed enough not to need any help with your grocery budget, I'll bet you know someone who could use some help. Why not order one or more of the basic boxes to provide to families that you know of who are in need? It's a great way to tithe from your blessings, give back to someone in need, or simply pay it forward. I'll bet whoever you help with one will be grateful that you thought of them.

I was hungred and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in. Naked and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.... Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
(Matt. 25:35-40)

Angel Food Ministries 
January 2009 Basic Box

Basic Box #1 - REGULAR BOX - $30
Balanced nutrition and variety
with enough food to feed
a family of four for a week.

1.5 lb. Ribeye Steak (4 x 6 oz.)
4 lb. Leg Quarters
1.5 lb. Beef Patties (4 x 6 oz.)
18 oz. Cheese Filled Manicotti
2 lb. Pork Rib Strips
1 lb. Chicken Breast Fajita Strips
1 lb. Ground Turkey
1 lb. Broccoli
1 lb. Peas
6 ct. Oatmeal Variety Box
2 each-Regular, Maple Brown Sugar and Apple Cinnamon
32 oz. 2% Shelf Stable Milk
8 oz. Blueberry Muffin Mix
12 ct. White Corn Tortillas
1 lb. Pinto Beans
7 oz. Chicken Flavored Rice & Vermicelli
One Dozen Eggs
Dessert Item



  1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by and saying hello, and for adding me to your list! I would be honored to to reciprocate. I love your blog - and your canine children are precious.

  2. I wish we had that here in Utah. We have one food co-op I've found, that I've yet to try. I do that love that Hillbilly housewife plans menus with the food for you, helps cut down on wasted food.

  3. I sure know what you mean Krystal - I really hate to waste food!! Especially as tight as money is these days.


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