Saturday, March 26, 2011

My AeroGarden Update

March 26th - almost Week 4
Okay I am SO loving the AeroGarden 3.  I could totally get into having a shelf with 3 or 4 of a variety of these going with flowers, herbs, and salad lettuce.  Except for checking the water and adding the nutrient about every 2 weeks, it's a pretty much maintenance free garden. Everything is nice and green. It's bug free. And very healthy. No worries about light - that all happens automatically. And, I've already cut and used some of the basil!

Now... you will notice when comparing the above picture to this picture below in early March, there is something different going on with my little AeroGarden than before....

March 6th - Coming Along
Might have had something to do with this one.

Just got up one morning and found an empty hole where the Dill used to live.

March 9th - Disappearing Dill
After I fussed at all potential parties {since I can't for sure know who exactly was fully responsible}, I decided to drop a couple of lettuce mix seeds in the pod and soon they sprouted too.

March 20th - We have Lettuce!
The thyme is getting nice and thick too and is ready for clipping as needed.

Thanks Sis ... what a great gift and it really is cool watching everything grow. Love this and love you!!


  1. Looking good Mary...they look healthy and vibrant..I'm going to do Dill this year, as I could not find any when I wanted to make the pickles, so I had to buy a pickle mix. I looks so much prettier in the large apothecary jar with the fresh dill milling about. It is still cold here just thinking garden right now..starting some seeds..little by litte...:)

  2. Hey Faith! Thanks for stopping by. I need to pop by and visit you. Think it's been awhile since I've been about the net visiting thanks to spring cleaning and spring fever.

    Last time I grew dill in the garden, it was consumed overnight by butterfly caterpillars! This year I'm thinking of doing some outside for the butterflies and then anothe in a small pot on the windowsill, and hope that it survives the cats LOL!

  3. Wow, I need one of these cuties so my grands and I can enjoy the growing and not the bugs. Ry is deathly afraid of bees particularly so this would solve that dilemna. Thanks for sharing, BTW....spaghetti pie was fandamtastic....thanks. The Olde Bagg, Linda

  4. Linda, I was thinking of getting one for my grandson - I think that he is old enough to appreciate it and would have fun watching grow. Especially since it takes next to no work!

    Glad you enjoyed the pizza spaghetti pie too! :)


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