Thursday, August 6, 2009

Deep South Dish Giveaway - Closed

Have you heard? My New 30 recipes are moving to a new home over at Deep South Dish and we have to start all over with our subscribers and followers!

In exchange for your new subscription to Deep South Dish, we are giving you a chance to win a copy of the 40th Anniversary edition of Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Vol. 1, since Julie & Julia is all the rage right now. Many of the great chefs admit this very cookbook igniting their passion for cooking and foodies across the net are being inspired by the release of the movie on Friday.

Have you entered?

P.S. My New 30 isn't going anywhere - we'll be back soon with all the usual stuff, plus more - minus the recipes!


  1. I still can't believe that Meryl Streep is playing Julia...but then, she is a great actress, one that many of these young hot-shots could take lessons from!☺

  2. Congrats on your new blog. I'm on my way there now!

  3. I know Tammy! I just LOVE her - she's a fantastic actress. Even for this role, she's totally believable.

    Hi Katherine!

  4. Thanks Mary...ooh like the message to catch up on
    that has been going on....


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