Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Damn You Auto Correct!

damn you auto correct funny iphone fails and blunders

If you own a smart phone chances are that it auto corrects - meaning when you type a word the phone doesn't recognize, it offers up what it thinks might be the right word, and if you don't delete its suggestion, it replaces the word for you. Chances are, if you have a smart phone, you have probably typed a text, hit send and then later saw where it changed a word, to one you never intended it to mean.

I don't know if you've had a chance to discover this site yet, but Jay Leno has done a few segments on The Tonight Show to highlight some of these and I gotta say, it is hilarious! A rating warning. There is usually a bit of cursing & some risqué language involved, so I have to caveat this with saying it's at least an R-rated site, and not probably not vieweable at your workplace.

Check it out sometime - if you own a smart phone that auto corrects, you'll probably relate, but even if you don't, you'll be sure to get a chuckle at some of the screen shots.

Damn You Auto Correct

damn you auto correct funny iphone fails and blunders


  1. Thank you for a very funny post.....I love to laugh and you just made that happen big time. Linda tee hee


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