Tuesday, December 8, 2009

$5.00 One Year Magazine Subscriptions

Passing on some great magazine deals - perfect for yourself, extending a current subscription or gift giving! The $5 subscriptions are available through 12/12/09.

Other Magazine Offers:

Ordering a Magazine Subscription as a Gift
  1. Add the desired magazine subscription to your Shopping Cart.When you check out, make sure that the shipping address is the one you want for your gift recipient.
  2. Select a credit card for your order and click the Continue button.
  3. Verify your order details and click the Place your Order button.

You can either print out your own gift notification card or send an e-mail notification, both great ways to send a gift quickly or give a last-minute gift.


  1. You know I have a magazine addiction, right?! Seriously, how can I refuse?

  2. Love the winter theme... thanks for sharing this, what a deal...

  3. I have been getting all sorts of offers in the mail. Everybody is desperete. ha ha ha


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